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contact_company_department | contact_company_hq | contact_company_hqaddress | contact_company_hqcity | contact_company_hqstate | contact_company_hqzip | contact_company_hqzip4 | contact_company_msaname | contact_company_msa | contact_company_dmacode | contact_company_dmaname | contact_company_latitude | contact_company_longitude | contact_company_employee | contact_company_revenue | contact_company_revenue_range | contact_company_founded | contact_company_industry | contact_company_amt_raised | contact_company_last_funding | contact_company_last_funding_year | contact_company_sector | contact_company_ticker | contact_company_stockexchange | contact_company_publicprivate | contact_8digitsic | contact_6digitsic | contact_4digitsic | contact_2digitsic | contact_6digitnaics | contact_5digitnaics | contact_4digitnaics | contact_3digitnaics | contact_2digitnaics | contact_linkedin | contact_klout | contact_twitter | contact_google | contact_youtube | contact_fortune | contact_gender | contact_ancestry | contact_religion | contact_assimilation | contact_race | consumer_id | consumer_firstname | consumer_lastname | consumer_emailid | consumer_email | consumer_email2 | consumer_email3 | consumer_email4 | consumer_primaryphone | consumer_phone1 | consumer_phone2 | consumer_address | consumer_address2 | consumer_city | consumer_state | consumer_zip | consumer_zip4 | consumer_county | consumer_dpbc | consumer_carrierroute | consumer_fipsstatecode | consumer_fipscountycode | consumer_latitude | consumer_longitude | addresstype | consumer_cbsa | consumer_censustract | consumer_censusblockgroup | consumer_censusblock | consumer_dma | consumer_dma_name | consumer_msa | consumer_scf | arts | auto | auto_motorcycles | auto_racing | auto_recreationalvehicles | auto_repair | auto_trucks | aviation | bargainseekers | beauty | beauty_cosmetics | books | books_astrology | books_avidreader | books_childrens | books_entertainment | books_fiction | books_military | books_mystery | books_newsandpolitics | books_ontape | books_romance | business | business_homeoffice | business_soho | buyer_catalog | buyer_childrensproducts | buyer_internet | buyer_mailorder | buyer_subscription | buyer_womensproducts | collectibles | collectibles_antiques | collectibles_coins | collectibles_dolls | collectibles_figurines | collectibles_finearts | collectibles_plates | collectibles_sportsmemorabilia | collectibles_stamps | community_charity | community_donor | community_donor_animals | community_donor_arts | community_donor_artsandculture | community_donor_childrenscause | community_donor_health | community_donor_internationalaid | community_donor_local | community_donor_political | community_donor_political_conservative | community_donor_political_liberal | community_donor_political_social | community_donor_religious | community_donor_veteranscause | community_donor_wildlifeandenvironment | computers | cooking | crafts | crafts_crochet | crafts_knitting | crafts_needlework | crafts_quilting | crafts_sewing | crafts_woodworking | diy | education_college | education_educationseekers | education_homestudy | electronics | entertainment | equestrian | family | family_grandparents | family_teen | family_youngchildren | fashion | fashion_accessories_jewelry | fashion_apparel | fashion_apparel_children | fashion_apparel_men | fashion_apparel_plussize | fashion_apparel_women | financial | financial_amexcardholder | financial_creditrepair | financial_investment | financial_investment_mutualfunds | financial_investment_realestate | financial_investment_stockbond | financial_moneymaking | financial_personalfinance | financial_premiumamexcardholder | financial_premiumcardholder | financial_presenceofbankcard | financial_presenceofcreditcard | gambling | gambling_casino | gambling_sportsbetting | games | games_videogames | giftpurchasers | gourmet | gunowner | gunowner_concealedpermit | health | health_fitness | health_weightloss | healthy_living | history | history_american | holiday | home_decorating | home_furnishing | home_gardening | home_goods | home_homeimprovement | home_houseplants | humor | inspiration | insurance | lifestyle_country | lifestyle_luxury | magazines | movies | music | music_audioequipment | music_blues | music_christiangospel | music_classical | music_country | music_instruments | music_jazz | music_rhythmandblues | music_rocknroll | music_softrock | outdoors | outdoors_birdwatching | outdoors_boatingandsailing | outdoors_campingandhiking | outdoors_fishing | outdoors_hunting | outdoors_ocean | outdoors_walking | personality | pets | pets_dog | pets_cat | photography | photography_homevideo | publishing | reading_computer_it | reading_cooking_culinary | reading_fashion | reading_finance | reading_health_remedies | reading_history | reading_interior_decorating | reading_medical_health | reading_sports | reading_world_news_politics | religious_bible | rural | science | science_technology | sciencefiction | selfimprovement | smoking | smoking_cigars | sports | sports_aerobics | sports_baseball | sports_basketball | sports_bicycling | sports_football | sports_golf | sports_hockey | sports_nascar | sports_running | sports_scubadiving | sports_snowskiing | sports_soccer | sports_tennis | sports_tv | sports_weightlifting | sweepstakes | technology | travel | travel_business | travel_cruise | travel_domestic | travel_foreign | travel_rv | tv_cable | tv_movies | volunteering | warehouseclub_members | wildlifeandenvironment | frequent_donors | frequent_purchasers_apparel | frequent_purchasers_arts | frequent_purchasers_automotive | frequent_purchasers_autoparts | frequent_purchasers_beauty | frequent_purchasers_boatingandsailing | frequent_purchasers_books | frequent_purchasers_business | frequent_purchasers_campingandhiking | frequent_purchasers_catalogs | frequent_purchasers_collectibles | frequent_purchasers_computers | frequent_purchasers_cooking | frequent_purchasers_cosmetics | frequent_purchasers_cpg | frequent_purchasers_crafts | frequent_purchasers_diy | frequent_purchasers_electronics | frequent_purchasers_equestrian | frequent_purchasers_family | frequent_purchasers_fashion | frequent_purchasers_fishing | frequent_purchasers_fitness | frequent_purchasers_furniture | frequent_purchasers_games | frequent_purchasers_gardening | frequent_purchasers_gifts | frequent_purchasers_health | frequent_purchasers_history | frequent_purchasers_holiday | frequent_purchasers_homedecor | frequent_purchasers_homegoods | frequent_purchasers_homeimprovement | frequent_purchasers_hunting | frequent_purchasers_investments | frequent_purchasers_jewelry | frequent_purchasers_magazines | frequent_purchasers_moneymaking | frequent_purchasers_motorcycles | frequent_purchasers_movies | frequent_purchasers_music | frequent_purchasers_musicinstruments | frequent_purchasers_outdoors | frequent_purchasers_personalfinance | frequent_purchasers_petsupplies | frequent_purchasers_photography | frequent_purchasers_rural | frequent_purchasers_sports | frequent_purchasers_subscriptions | frequent_purchasers_travel | frequent_purchasers_wildlifeandenvironment | recent_purchasers_science | numberofpersonsinhh | numberofgenerationsinhh | numberofadultsinhh | numberofchildren | presenceofchildren | parentsofchildrenage0_3 | parentsofchildrenage4_6 | parentsofchildrenage7_9 | parentsofchildrenage10_12 | parentsofchildrenage13_18 | veteran_inhh | veteran | militarystatus | networth | premiumincome | householdincome | medianincome | homeowner | urbanicity | financial_disposablespendingindex | financial_investmenttype | financial_creditrange | financial_newcreditrangeoffered | financial_numberofcreditlines | homeprice | homepurchasedate | homevalue | medianhomevalue | lengthofresidence | homeheatindicator | ownsswimmingpool | dwellingtype | mortgageamount | mortgageloantovalue | mortgageloantype | mortgagerefinanceamount | mortgagerefinancerate | mortgage_refi_age | mortgageterm | refinanceterm | yearstructurebuilt | age | gender | ethnicity | ancestry | race | assimilationlevel | maritalstatus | religion | consumer_language | multilingual | education | occupations | occupation_category | white_collar | blue_collar | auto_bodytype_sedan | auto_bodytype_suv | auto_bodytype_truck | auto_bodytype_van | auto_bodytype_wagon | auto_drivetype_4wd | auto_drivetype_4x2 | auto_drivetype_4x4 | auto_drivetype_awd | auto_drivetype_fwd | auto_drivetype_rwd | vin1 | make1 | model1 | year1 | vin2 | make2 | model2 | year2 | numberofvehiclesinhh | auto_vehicletype_car | auto_vehicletype_suv | auto_vehicletype_truck | auto_vehicletype_van | auto_transmissiontype_automatic | auto_transmissiontype_cvt | auto_transmissiontype_manual | auto_size_fullsize | auto_size_midsize | auto_size_small | auto_size_sports | auto_manufacturerbased_asia | auto_manufacturerbased_european | auto_manufacturerbased_usa | auto_fuel_biodiesel | auto_fuel_diesel | auto_fuel_flexfuel | auto_fuel_gasoline | auto_fuel_hybrid | auto_class_compact | auto_class_exotic | auto_class_luxury | auto_class_mainstream | auto_bodytype_chassis | auto_bodytype_convertible | auto_bodytype_coupe | auto_bodytype_crossover | auto_bodytype_fullsize | auto_bodytype_hatchback | auto_bodytype_minivan |
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McGRAW’s B2C to B2B Link 360 Masterfile offers an unprecedented connection between business and consumer data, combining over 80 million contacts with extensive demographic and professional data. This unique B2B-to-B2C overlay database, updated monthly, is designed to meet a range of B2B and B2C marketing, sales, and data science needs. It enables organizations to target business owners and executives, along with their corresponding consumer profiles, making it ideal for generating leads, segmenting audiences, and personalizing campaigns. Key Features of McGRAW B2B and B2C Link 360 Masterfile 1. B2B and Consumer Data Linkage - McGRAW B2B and B2C Link 360 Masterfile establishes a proprietary connection between business executives' professional and consumer profiles, enabling rich insights with both business and personal data. This link allows marketers to engage with contacts across professional and consumer dimensions. 2. Comprehensive Data Elements - Consumer Profile: Over 300 data elements, including demographics, homeownership status, vehicle preferences, behavioral and intent data, and purchasing history. - Business Profile: Firmographics, industry classifications, revenue, employee count, and titles, providing a 360° view of target contacts. 3. Quantitative & Qualitative Insights - Self-reported lifestyle data, along with verified social media profiles, enhances personal connections, enabling marketers to create more personalized and targeted campaigns. 4. Monthly Updates with High Fill Rates - Updated monthly, with 200-300K new company connections added regularly. - Maintains high fill rates, including 98% on business contact titles, 100% on 2-digit SIC industry codes, and extensive reach across 20 million business sites. B2B Default Outputs: - Company Information: Name, Address, Industry, Revenue, Employee Count, Founded Year - Contact Information: Name, Email, Phone, Title - Geolocation Data: Latitude, Longitude, DMA, MSA information B2C Default Outputs: - Consumer Demographics: Age, Income, Education, Ethnicity - Behavioral Insights: Interests, Vehicle Ownership, Homeownership - Financial Information: Income, Net Worth, Marital Status Additional Outputs Available - Geographic & Address Details: Including SIC, NAICS codes, full address, HQ information - Personal & Professional Contacts: With LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook profiles, personal identifiers - Enhanced Demographic Data: Race, Language, Religion, Occupation, Education Level Additional Services - Data Enhancement: Append consumer and business emails, LinkedIn profiles, and contact discovery to enrich existing records. - Verification Services: Ensures data quality via call center-based business record validation. McGRAW B2B and B2C Link 360 Masterfile database is a sophisticated, all-in-one data solution enabling businesses to enhance their outreach, improve targeting precision, and optimize their data resources for maximum impact across both B2B and B2C channels.
Country Coverage
(1 country)Data Categories
- Consumer Behavior Data
- B2B Contact Data
- B2C Contact Data
- Small Business Contact Data
- Consumer Demographic Data
One-off purchase |
Available |
Monthly License |
Available |
Yearly License |
Available |
Usage-based |
Available |
- Million B2B & B2C Records
- 80
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